What causes a Hangover Headache? 3 things to stop it NOW
What Causes Hangover Headaches and How to Stop Them
Dehydration is the main culprit behind headaches and stomach aches that occur after a night of heavy drinking. Whether it's from alcohol, exercise, or spending a day at the beach, dehydration can wreak havoc on our bodies. That's why it's important to follow the rule of drinking a glass of water for every alcoholic beverage you consume before moving on to the next.
So what exactly happens in our bodies that leads to hangover headaches? When we drink excessively, the lack of fluids causes our brain to sag, resulting in pain. The brain is attached to the roof of our head by meninges, which are surrounded by fluid. Normally, the brain floats freely, but when dehydration occurs, the lack of fluid causes the weight of the brain to pull on the meninges, causing a headache. This is why lying down often brings relief, as gravity is no longer working against us.
Fortunately, there are treatments available to alleviate hangover headaches and stomach aches caused by dehydration. Two effective options are caffeine therapy and the NoMo Nausea Band. Caffeine helps constrict the blood vessels supplying the brain, relieving that pounding headache. The NoMo Nausea Band, on the other hand, provides relief through its unique mechanisms.
The NoMo Nausea Band incorporates aromatherapy, offering increased oxygenation when smelled. The peppermint oil in the band helps relax and equalize the pressures in the esophagus and stomach, providing relief from upset stomachs. Additionally, the cooling effect of peppermint oil on the wrist serves as a distraction, reducing the intensity of the symptoms. The band also applies pressure at the P6 acupressure point, which stimulates the release of happy hormones, stopping the headache and prolonging the time until the next one by over 24 hours.
Keeping ourselves hydrated is crucial to avoid nausea and headache symptoms. However, if we do find ourselves experiencing these symptoms, the NoMo Nausea Band can help bring us back to normal. By taking steps to stay hydrated and nausea-free, we can enjoy better days without the discomfort of hangover headaches.
Why Hydration Matters and How it Affects Hangover Headaches
Dehydration is not only the main culprit behind hangover headaches, but it also exacerbates other hangover symptoms such as fatigue, dizziness, and nausea. When we consume alcohol, it acts as a diuretic, causing our bodies to lose more water through increased urine production. Additionally, alcohol inhibits the production of an antidiuretic hormone, vasopressin, which helps our bodies reabsorb water. This double whammy leaves us in a dehydrated state.
When we're dehydrated, our blood vessels constrict in an attempt to conserve water. This can lead to reduced blood flow to the brain, which triggers headaches. Dehydration also impacts the brain's levels of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that regulates mood and contributes to overall well-being. This can make us feel irritable and worsen hangover symptoms.
The Role of Electrolyte Imbalance in Hangover Headaches
Electrolytes are electrically charged minerals that help maintain fluid balance, transmit nerve impulses, and regulate muscle contractions. When we drink alcohol excessively, it disrupts the balance of electrolytes in our bodies. One important electrolyte is sodium, which helps regulate fluid balance. Alcohol can cause us to lose sodium through increased urine production, leading to further dehydration.
Potassium is another essential electrolyte that plays a role in maintaining proper nerve and muscle function. Alcohol can cause a drop in potassium levels, which can contribute to muscle cramps, weakness, and even heart palpitations.
How to Prevent and Treat Hangover Headaches
1. Hydrate Properly
The best way to prevent hangover headaches is to stay properly hydrated while drinking. This means alternating alcoholic beverages with glasses of water, or even better, opting for hydrating drinks like coconut water or electrolyte-rich sports drinks. Starting the night with a glass of water and ending with one before bed can also help.
2. Eat Before and During Drinking
Having a meal or snacks before and during drinking can slow down the absorption of alcohol into your bloodstream. This can help prevent the rapid rise in blood alcohol concentration that can lead to more severe hangovers, including headaches.
3. Get Plenty of Rest
Alcohol can disrupt our normal sleep patterns, leading to fatigue and exacerbating hangover symptoms. Getting plenty of rest can help alleviate headaches and other hangover discomforts.
4. Consider Pain Medications
If you're experiencing a particularly severe hangover headache, over-the-counter pain medications like ibuprofen or aspirin can provide temporary relief. However, it's important to follow the recommended dosage and avoid combining them with more alcohol.
1. Can drinking coffee or energy drinks help with hangover headaches?
Caffeine can provide temporary relief by constricting blood vessels in the brain. However, it's important to avoid excessive caffeine consumption as it can further dehydrate the body.
2. Does the type of alcohol consumed affect the severity of hangover headaches?
While individual tolerance and metabolism play a role, certain types of alcohol, particularly darker spirits like whiskey or red wine, contain higher levels of congeners. Congeners are byproducts of the fermentation process that can contribute to more severe hangovers.
3. Are there any natural remedies for hangover headaches?
Some natural remedies for hangover headaches include drinking ginger tea or consuming foods rich in antioxidants, such as berries or leafy greens. These can help reduce inflammation and detoxify the body.
Buy the Best Motion Sickness Bracelet
NoMo Nausea is a 3 and 1 essential oil infused pressure bracelet that is clinically proven to stop nausea or vomiting in seconds. Imagine a life with a comfortable pregnancy, and enjoyable day at sea, a family fun car trip, or just a hangover free weekend? That's what NoMo Nausea bracelet can do for you. So say no more to your nausea or upset stomach.
You can find NoMo Nausea on https://nomonausea.com and get 25% off with the coupon PUKE25.
Dr. in Naturopathy answers
- What are the main causes of hangover headaches and how can they be prevented? - How does dehydration impact hangover headaches and what can you do about it? - Why is an electrolyte imbalance linked to hangover headaches and how can you restore balance? - What role does alcohol play in causing hangover headaches and how can you minimize the effects? - Can staying hydrated, eating before drinking, and resting really help alleviate hangover headaches quickly? Check out this informative blog post on what causes a Hangover Headache and 3 ways to stop it now to learn more about preventing and treating hangover headaches: https://nomonausea.com/blogs/healthandwellness/17148831-what-causes-a-hangover-headache-3-things-to-stop-it-now.